It's About Damn Time! Don't I Know It!
Ok, so here it is, my first official post from Italy. Now, many of you may not know the hell I've gone through to get this post. Well, the smart, analytical person that I am, or thought I was, forgot to do a little research into how to actually access Blogger from Italy. I assumed all I needed to do was boot up my machine, pull up the page, and BAM!, I'm posting. No such luck. Seems I forgot one very important item. When I access Blogger from America, I'm routing through servers located in where - A-M-E-R-I-C-A. But, when I login from Italy, I route through Italian servers. DUH!!!! So when I pulled up the Blogger page, it was all in Italian, and of course we all know I'm not that versed in Italiano to understand what the hell to do. To my credit, I was successfully able to log into the page, but from there, I couldn't make heads or tails out of anything. So today, I was determined to find a way to read the Italian version of Blogger in English. And dammit, guess what.....I'M SMART (or lucky, whatever, naysayers!), I now have English on my screen when Blogger loads. Yeah Me!!!!
Enough talking, now onto the pictures. I will post more about Italy and my adventures here in a few. Most of you have written to me asking for photos, so for you, here goes. The picture posted above is the view from street level overlooking the beach up the street from Mami Camilla. It's a 500 foot drop to the bottom, typically we walk down the winding path to the bottom, the take the pay lift back to the top (after a few glasses of wine, I have only managed the reverse climb once). :)
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