Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My First Blog Entry

Ok. Here it is, the most eagerly anticipated blog in all the world (yeah, no!). Anyhow, I'm extremely excited to venture into the world of blogging, especially since it provides a vehicle for me to keep in touch with those I care the most about while I'm in Italy this summer (if you are reading this, then you are someone I care for/about).

I'd like to preface this blog with a few "rules" if you will; nothing scary, dictatorial, or militaristic, just some "what-to-expects" from this site, and level-set any expectations. First, yes, I am a tech geek at heart, however, blogging is new to me, so be patient (many of you know I adapt & learn rather quickly, so my ramp up time will be relatively short). Secondly, if you see posts at odd hours, it more than likely means a) I can't/couldn't sleep so, being the geek that I am, I'm online; b) you've forgotten there is a 7 (or 8, can't recall at this exact instance) hour time difference between Italy and the US; c) I've been remiss in updating this blog, and therefore am playing catch up. Lastly, while I truly intend to "regularly" update my posts, please remember, I'm in Italy having a blast, absorbing the local culture, which, if any of you know me well, means good food & wine, sooooooooooo, the regularity of posting may not remain constant. One more thing, and let me put this out there now, forgive any misspellings, grammatical errors, and/or random trains of thoughts (there may indeed be instances where I post information for you all, after a few liquid refreshments). Go figure! *smile*

Again, thank each of you for your support of my "summer vacation" and the role you've played in helping me get to this point. I will do my best to have fun, learn lots, be open to change, and make you all proud. Thanks for coming along for the ride, I think this will be one hell of a summer. One we all won't soon forget.

talk to you soon,


Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all - I love how you make it seem like we are all going to have a fabulous summer simply because YOU are going to Italy for what will likely be the time of your life. Some of us will be running through the same hellacious hell holes with one less person to vent to.
Secondly - I'm the first to comment oh your first blog! Yay for me! It's these little successes in life that keep me going.

Unknown said...

Whats Up. I hope you have a great time. You would have looked fab in those Dolce over in Italy...I will keep track of your summer, since I will be stuck in DC..

Anonymous said...

Okay, I guess I'm going to have to play catchup with this blog thing! Hope you are having a blast. Will try to post some pictures if I can!